Shri Kshetra Devgad could be reached by travel on road 49 kilometres from Shingnapur and 14 km; from the district Nevasa in the Mura gram on a small hilllock where a temple of Shri Datt swami is in the standing position. This is a place where one can get peace of mind as it is one of the most sanctity places. The main diety of the temple is Shri Guru Datt and there are other deities there. The entire temple built in stones and for flooring the polished marbal stones are from Rajastan. Shri Vani names are carved on each and every stone used for the building which enhanced the beauty of the sculpture of the building. On the rajagopuram of the temple about 4ft.height gold kalasha is placed. Shri Shanidev mandir is also there near Shri Datt kshetra.
Next to the Shrishanidev temple, Shri. Macheendranath and Shri Gorakhanath temples are also built. And within these temple complex pakashala (kitchen) Shri Naradmuni idol is installed. Once for ajanma brahmachari Sadguru ShriKisangiri Babaji’s dreams Shri Markandeya Muni told about the construction of Shri Datt Kshetr. And towards north of Datt Temple Complex there is a temple of Konkani Markandey muni. On the right side of Shri Datt Temple there is a temple of Shri Pancha (Five faced) Mukhi Shri Siddeswar Temple, and near to that the idol of Shri Parvathi matha is also installed.
Towards the left side of Shri Datt temple Shri Gajanan and to the right side of Him Shri Karthikeyaswami murthy is installed. Human two eyes are not sufficient to enjoy the beauty of the nature and its flora and fauna. The Maharastra State authorities to enhance the beauty of the forest planted elevan thousand various plants and spices maintaining the gardens very well. The intellectual beauty of Maratha poet Sant Jnaneswar and the penance of the great sage Shri Agastya Rishis’ illumination are flowing just like the waters of sacred river pravara throughout the length and breadth of Maharastra. And the sacred waters of the river Pravara is coming out from the mouth of Rahu dev.
All this has a mention in the Skand Puran.The river Pravara waters is not just water, it is a very very sanctified waters as its purity represents the litrary giants, jnan, dharm, penance of great rishis,Karm and bhakthis’theerthodak is capable of purifying human mind and body and in the end it can lead to wards the mukthi sadhana. Shri Kshetr Devgad is the birth and enlightened place of late Shri Kisangiri Babaji’s name and fame spread in the entire Maharastra State.